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Language courses for companies? Here we are!

For over 12 years, EduPlanet Language Centre has been helping the companies to improve their competitiveness at an international level by providing the whole range of professional language services:

  • Language courses
  • Funded courses
  • Translation and interpreting services, voice-over
  • Language activities and Team building

Our experience and a complete range of services we provide allows us to become valuable partners of your company.

Need mor information?
Please contact us at

Language courses for companies

Types of courses

  • general
  • for Special Purposes
  • preparation for international certification exams 

How we structure our courses for companies

Our courses are tailored according to the needs and requirements of each single company we collaborate with.  

We start by setting the objectives of the course together with the company’s operational management in order to help our students acquire the language skills, which make collaboration with the foreign partners easier (how to make phone calls, how to write emails, represent the company abroad, hold negotiations or participate in company meetings). 

After assessing the starting level of the students by means of an oral and written placement test, we will analyse the objectives of the course as well as the organisational requirements of the company to complete customisation of the learning process. 

Student’s progress is constantly monitored through regular reports featuring the objectives students reached as well as the attendance records. In addition, we provide the company representative with access to our administrative software, which enables to see more details at any time. At the end of the course, we issue a level certificate and the report containing information about the progress made in learning. 


Funded courses for companies

Our client support initiatives include the availability of funded courses. 

We are specialised in training and development aimed at boosting competitiveness of the companies and improving the employability of workers by using the most advanced technology and focusing on the person being the centre of their professional growth. We ensure the most complete client support: analysis of the company needs, registration in the appropriate fund, making request for funding, making expense report, and, if requested, provide the language courses. 



We make part of MePa (Digital Market of Public Administration).


Welfare Voucher

We collaborate with various affiliated companies and accept Welfare voucher and fringe benefits.
Please click here for more details.


Translation, interpreting and voice-over services

We provides fast, accurate and professional simple and sworn translation and interpreting services in a variety of languages.
Please click here for more details.

We also provide voice-over services in various languages for radio and TV adverts and audio guides. 


Language activities and Team-building

We hold various language activities for adults, work teams, teenagers and children, which allow them to practice foreign languages:

  • Speak & Drink: online and face to face conversation club in English, French, Spanish and German; 
  • Book Club: reading club in English taking place twice per month;
  • Archaeological walks featuring activities in English and Spanish for kids and adults. 

In partnership with Helkin, leading company in the field of study trips, EduPlanet offers study trips all over the world; traineeships and corporate working experience abroad and English Summer Camp in Italy.

Language courses for companies Rome

EduPlanet has been chosen by: the National institute of Nuclear Physics, S.I.A.E, TELECOM Italia, IVITALIA, INPGI, ACEA, ENEL, The Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the Ministry of Labour and Social Sciences, the Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection, the Ministry of Health, LAZIOCrea and many others…

To receive a quote please contact us at